Here are some quotes about design that show the effect of a large shape appearing in the background
Design is the intermediary between information and understanding
You can have an art experience in front of Rembrandt… or in front of a peace of a graphic design
HANS HOFFMANN, american artist
STEFAN SAGMEISTER, New York based grapghic designer
Socrates said, "Know thyself." I say, "Know thy users." And guess what? They don't think like you do.
Socrates said, "Know thyself." I say, "Know thy users." And guess what? They don't think like you do.
JOHSUA BREWER, San Francisco based designer, previously Principle Designer at Twitter
JOHSUA BREWER, San Francisco based designer, previously Principle Designer at Twitter
Socrates said, "Know thyself." I say, "Know thy users." And guess what? They don't think like you do.
Socrates said, "Know thyself." I say, "Know thy users." And guess what? They don't think like you do.
JOHSUA BREWER, San Francisco based designer, previously Principle Designer at Twitter
JOHSUA BREWER, San Francisco based designer, previously Principle Designer at Twitter
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Как сделать необычную смену фона при скороле с помощью пошаговой анимации
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